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SimWorks Finite Difference Cloud Client User Manual


Welcome to use SimWorks Finite Difference Cloud Client, this document takes the windows software version as an example, will guide you how to downloading the software and trying them out.

Currently SimWorks provides users with cloud trial by issuing cloud computing free coupons. After a new user registers on the SimWorks website, the system will automatically issue a free coupon for cloud computing, which supports 10 hours of free cloud computing time (can be accumulated for multi-simulation tasks/excludes in-software operation time), Intel 8Core+16GB cloud server instance specifications. Users can use the coupon to pay for the free trial of the product after the cloud computing is completed.

If you require other trial options or a longer trial period, please contact the relevant company staff.


1. Software Download and Installation

2. Choose Resource

3. Create Simulation and Calculate

4. Payment with coupons

5. Download Results

Software Download and Installation

You can login SimWorks website:https://officialtest.simworks.net,download the latest SimWorks installation file.

Note: You need to register and login the website before you can download the files.



Open this installation file, click “Next” and follow the steps to complete the installation.


Choose Resource

Double-click the icon in your desktop, open the software.


Click the Cloud button, input your username and password to login.


The current coupon is available for HPC/Intel 8Core+16GB cloud server and supports all billing task types. You can login https://workbenchtest.simworks.net check your available coupons.




Select resource to calculate the simulation task.


The system already select the free coupon instance, but you can choose other resource.

Note: if you choose other instance instead of HPC/Intel 8Core+16GB, you need to pay for your simulation task.


Create Simulation and Calculate

You can create a new simulation task or open an existing project.


Set parameters and start your simulation project.


Or open an existing project, goto “File”>“Open”,choose your file (.mpps).


Click FDTD (or FDFD/FDE, it depending on the type of your simulation), and then click "To Run" button.


Save your simulation project.

Click "Run" button, run your simulation task. In the tab, it will display the process and compute speed.


For more features, you can goto website:https://officialtest.simworks.net/knowledge-base/knowledge-base_overview
Or check the video tutorials on "BiliBili":https://space.bilibili.com/3546652780529995

Payment with Coupons

When the simulation is done, you can click "Click here to pay" button, after the payment is done, you can get the simulation results.


If you use HPC/Intel 8Core+16GB instance, you can use the free coupon to pay.


Download Results

The simulation results are saved in the project file(.mpps), and it will replaced the original project.
After payment is done, you need to Click the "Payment is done" button, and it will start to download your results.


You can choose to store your simulation results in the cloud for 15 days, or delete them immediately.


If you choose "Storage 15 days", you can download the simulation project file in the history page.


Open the updated project, and you can check you results by click "Data Visulalizer" button.


You can also use scripts to control and viewing, or for the further data processing.