SimWorks FDFD is a powerful tool for researchers and engineers to solve problems such as the spectrum of the resonator, metal antenna, etc. We will briefly introduce the physical principles and key features.

FDFD Solver Physics

The Finite Difference Frequency Domain (FDFD) solver calculates the spatial distribution of electromagnetic fields at the target frequency by solving Maxwell's equations in the frequency domain. The basic principles of FDFD are outlined as follows.

  • Frequency-domain Maxwell's Equations

    For source-free materials, Maxwell’s curl equations can be given by:

×E=k0μrH~ \nabla \times \mathbf E = k_0 \mu_r \tilde{\mathbf H}

×H=k0εrE \nabla \times \mathbf H = k_0 \varepsilon_r \mathbf E

  • FDFD Mesh

    • Discretize space in Yee grids so that the electric and magnetic fields are staggered in space. The electric fields are located at the center of grid ridges while the magnetic fields are located at the center of grid surfaces.

    • The materials in FDTD are discretized based on 'Yee cell' grids. The material in each point of Yee grids is determined based on the structure at this point, so that the material distribution is discretized in Yee grids.

  • Finite Difference Algorithm

    Based on Maxwell's equations in frequency domain, the y-axis magnetic field component can be discretized in the Yee cell and expressed as:

    ExzEzx=μyyHy~\frac{\partial E_x}{\partial z} - \frac{\partial E_z}{\partial x} = \mu_{yy} \tilde{H_y}

    When linear expansion is done along the coordinate axis in space, the above equation can be transformed into the following form:

    DzEExDxEEz=μyyHy~{\mathbf D_z^E E_x} - {\mathbf D_x^E E_z} = \mu_{yy} \tilde{H_y}


    DzHHx~DxHHz~=εyyEy{\mathbf D_z^H \tilde{H_x}} - {\mathbf D_x^H \tilde{H_z}} = \varepsilon_{yy} E_y

    Wherein, Ez{E_z}, Ex{E_x}, Ey{E_y}, Hz~\tilde{H_z}, Hx~\tilde{H_x} and Hy~\tilde{H_y} are column vectors containing all electric and magnetic field components throughout the entire mesh; DzE{\mathbf D_z^E }, DxE{\mathbf D_x^E}, DzH{\mathbf D_z^H} and DxH{\mathbf D_x^H} are banded matrices used to calculate the spatial derivatives of the electromagnetic field components on the mesh; μyy\mu_{yy} and εyy\varepsilon_{yy} are the diagonal matrices containing the relative permeability and permittivity tensor components of the entire mesh along its central diagonal.

    Based on the equation above, Maxwell's equations at constant frequencies are transformed into matrix form: Ax=bAx=b.

    AEE=fE{\mathbf A_E \mathbf E} = \mathbf f_E

    The matrix AA is the wave matrix in physical space, while the column vector xx represents the electromagnetic field components to be resolved, and the column vector bb represents the source.

Key Features of the FDFD Solver

3D CAD interface and rich structure library

  • Multi-view 3D CAD platform helps model construction.
  • Built-in structure library, including polygons and surfaces, aids in building the geometry of various complex structures.
  • Allow to directly import GDS files to adjust the complicated structures in the process.

Mesh technology

  • Support the auto non-uniform mesh and custom mesh to improve the efficiency of Yee cell mesh construction for complex structure.
  • Support the advanced techniques of conformal mesh to get more accurate results, including: Volume-average polarized effective permittivity (VPEP), Volume average (VEP), Yu-Mittra 1, Yu-Mittra 2.

Boundary conditions

  • Offer various boundary conditions, for example, perfectly-matched layer (PML), periodic, Bloch, symmetric or anti-symmetric, perfect electrical conductor (PEC) or perfect magnetic conductor (PMC).

Various sources

  • Offer multiple types of sources, such as dipoles, plane wave, Gaussian, Mode, total-field/scatter-field (TFSF), and import source.
  • Satisfy the requirements for sources with different injection angles and different polarizations.
  • Extract the S-parameter at the defined input mode through "Ports" object. S-parameters vary with the input/output modes.


  • Provide diagonally anisotropic materials and allow users to import custom sampled material data.

Post process

  • Rich analysis libraries can post-process the results, including far-field radiations, data representation, calculation of electric displacement vector, etc.
  • The analysis group with functional modules has a convenient interactive window for editing scripts, allowing users to flexibly customize analysis groups.

Sweep and optimization

  • Offer functionalities of sweep, optimization, S-matrix sweep, and nested sweep. The built-in algorithm can automatically optimize the design of devices.

Script control

  • Enable user to control each step in the simulation by scripts to complete the parametric operations.
  • The complete function libraries basically meet all the needs of mathematical calculations, and the custom functions are allowed too.

Computing power

  • The computing power and mode solution speed are improved dramatically with the help of OpenMP, CUDA, MPI, AVX and other parallel computing technologies.
  • Provide cloud computing services, no longer limited to the local computing resources.


[1] Rumpf, Raymond C et al. “Rigorous electromagnetic analysis of volumetrically complex media using the slice absorption method.” Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision vol. 24,10 (2007): 3123-34.