Release Notes
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v1.4.2 Release
Release Date 2024/12/27
SimWorks Finite Difference Solutions
- Structure
- Fix the issue where the displayed values of Pos/Radius in the Sphere structure property editor do not match the actual values.
- Fix the issue where the Start/End values do not update after the Sidewall Linear structure is dragged.
- FDTDSolver
- Fix the issue of simulation possibly diverging when the contact area between the light source and the dispersion material structure is large.
v1.4.1 Release
Release Date 2024/12/02
SimWorks Finite Difference Solutions
- Scripts
- Fix the software crash issue caused by calling the
function within the custom function.
- Fix the issue of no output result for the
- Fix the issue with
, saveproject
, and runjobs
execution errors that interrupt the script.
- Fix the issue where single-step debugging cannot enter the
- Structure
Fix the abnormal drag response of Linear WaveGuide and Linear Taper under 2D fixed perspective.
- Materials
- Fix the simulation divergence issue caused by errors in the fitting stability conditions of the repair material.
- Correct the convergence conditions of material fitting to improve the stability of the material.
- Fix the issue where the fitting effect is poor near the peak of the fitted data for dispersive materials in certain bands.
- FDTDSolver
- Fix the issue of simulation errors when the TFSF light source boundary crosses dispersive materials.
- Visualization
- Fix the issue where the time-domain field map cannot be viewed after the 2D project simulation ends.
- FDESolver
- Fix the issue of some memory not being released in a timely manner during the solving process.
v1.4.0 Release
Release Date 2024/11/11
SimWorks Finite Difference Solutions
- Optimize the read and write speed of the engineering files.
- Fix the issue where deleting all layers when exporting the structure to a gds file causes the software to crash.
- UI
- Add the feature to set whether the drawing color palette follows theme changes.
- Add Preferences settings, consolidating software configuration features.
- Fix the issue where the software may crash after copying and pasting the components again.
- Fix the issue where the Text type variable displayed incorrectly when reopening the analysis group editing window after closing it.
- Scripts
- Add script debugging feature, supporting breakpoint setting and line-by-line execution.
- Fix the issue where Chinese input method can be used in read-only mode of the script editor.
- Fix the issue where the override y-axis mesh changes using scripts do not take effect on the mesh structure.
- Fix the issue where the software may crash after assigning values to a cell and then running clearall.
- Fix the issue of incorrect error messages when assigning values to cells in the dataset.
- Fix the issue where the script function getsourcenorm(lambda, 'source_name') returns inaccurate data during multi-light source simulation.
- Fix the issue where the script function getsourcenorm(lambda) returns all zeros when the project settings are set to No normalization.
- Fix the issue where the 2D structure cannot set custom film materials and the issue where the 3D structure allows setting film materials.
- Fix the issue where the input parameter unit of the addvertex function is not in SI units.
- Fix the issue with the set function incorrectly assigning values to the frequency attribute in the monitor.
- Fix the software crash issue when obtaining function return values through a list in a recursive function.
- Fix the issue that causes the software to crash when an unknown variable appears in the definition of a multi-line cell.
- Fix the syntax rules, disallow the character ? in variable names, and disallow the character ? as a statement separator.
- Structure
- Fix the issue of incorrect index creation for the equation structure.
- Fix the issue of incorrect index creation in the 2D structure part, which caused the mode source to be unable to resolve the correct mode.
- Fix the issue where some settings for elements in the Photonic Crystal do not take effect.
- Materials
- Optimize the fitting of dispersion materials by relaxing stability conditions to improve fitting accuracy.
- Fix the issue of single-wavelength fitting failure for dispersive materials.
- Source
- The Gaussian beam adds the use of thin lens function, which is based on the Debye-Wolf diffraction integral for solving the electric field of tightly focused Gaussian beams.
- Fix the issue where the offset value of the time-domain wideband pulse during light source settings affects the pulse amplitude.
- Fix the issue of inaccurate source power calculation when the offset setting for the standard pulse of the light source is too small.
- Fix the issue of injection field error when the mode source injection direction is along the y-axis.
- Mesh
- Fix the issue where setting Semi-auto nonuniform can cause the software to crash in certain situations.
- Fix the issue where the index is incorrectly established at the edge of the ellipse sector structure when using the VEP grid.
- Fix the issue of inaccurate index establishment caused by errors in the sidewall structure subgrid division when using the VPE grid.
- Visualization
- Add FDTD time-domain field support vector arrow visualization feature.
- The data visualization drawing interface is adapted to a dark theme.
- ModeSolver
- Modify the solution scheme for the bending waveguide mode from the equivalent refractive index method to the local cylindrical coordinate method.
SimWork Cloud Computing
- The cloud computing resource window has a new refresh button that can refresh the current cloud computing resource list.
- The new feature of the cloud computing resource list will set temporarily unavailable resources to a disabled status.
- Fix the issue of not being able to view the time-domain field map after the simulation ends.
- Fix the issue where the project file may be incomplete after uploading the full-size project file for simulation.
- Fix the issue of being unable to perform mode resolution for Port of monitor type.
SimWorks Cloud Workbench
- Add a marketing activity advertisement bar at the top of the new camp page.
- New payment settings, supporting automatic payments.
- Add two-step verification to enhance user account security.
- Support user account binding to email.
v1.3.1 Release
Release Date 2024/08/28
SimWorks Finite Difference Solutions
- Fix the problem that using scripts, not able to unmold.
- Fix the problem that when loading project with equation, the software can't respond normally.
- Fix the problem that when the light source amplitude is not 1, sourcepower calculation error.
- Support to use the custom picture as the background scene.
- Fix the problem that the title bar under Windows system can not be adapted to the dark color theme of the system.
v1.3.0 Release
Release Date 2024/08/23
SimWorks Finite Difference Solutions:
Add the feature to support the touchpad control in 3D composite viewer.
Add dark theme for GUI.
Add FDTD real-time display with time-sampling support.
Optimize the preview function of simulation memory estimation to predict memory required by tasks (FDTD and FDE) more accurately.
Optimize the speed of model building by importing GDS file.
- Fix Photonic Crystal construction and design logic problems.
- Add the function of switching the pulse type of a light source in time domain.
- Optimize FDTD TFSF Source to improve the continuity of the boundary field.
- Optimize the calculation process of multi-frequency sources to reduce memory consumption.
- Fix the problem that FDTD fails in second-order nonlinear material waveguides with mode sources.
- Fix the problem that the data of tilt mode does not correspond to the coordinates in the mode-solving.
- Fix the problem of inaccurate multi-frequency source when it is backward propagated.
- Fix the problem of incorrect default parameter settings for light source with the circular polarization or elliptical polarization.
- Optimize the VPEP normal finding process to solve the problem of inaccurate normal finding for some structures.
- Fix the problem of error in establishing some material points under VEP for tensile structures.
- Fix the problem of RMS error calculation error in material model.
FDTD algorithm
- Fix an issue where the simulation process may go wrong when the simulation time is extremely short.
- Fix a problem with the Auto Shutoff function during simulation.
- Fix the problem of using Bloch boundary simulation when the light source transmits in the Y-axis direction.
- Fix the problem of inaccurate sourcepower calculation when the monitor band is larger than the light source band.
- Fix the problem of project crash when the thickness of sampled 2D data is set to 0.
- Add the ability to modify the extent of a structure based on the view size when adding a structure to the scene.
- Fix the problem that some operations cause the software to exit abnormally.
- Fix View the current mesh data releated issue.
- Fix the problem that the polarization diagram light sources is wrongly drawn.
- Fix the problem that the surface conductance of some 2D materials is displayed incorrectly under TE polarization.
- Fix the problem of inconsistency between the unit displayed on the page and the global physical unit for some 2D materials.
- Add script command addphotoniccrystal.
- Fix the problem that the software may abnormally exit when assigning values to cells.
- Fix the problem that some script functions cannot be used when the installation path of the software contains Chinese characters.
- Optimize the memory usage of farfieldeql2d function.
- Add the function to select the type of fundamental modes in mode source: fundamental mode, fundamental te mode and fundamental tm mode.
- Fix the problem that the wrong ordering of eigenvalues leads to the intensity error of mode field calculation.
- Fix the problem that 2D mode solver cannot solve the modes normally under some boundary condition combinations.
SimWork Cloud Computing
- Add status display of download speed and remaining time in Cloud computing tasks.
- Add automatic update check when software has new version.
- Fix the problem that import source can not import data properly in cloud computing.
- Fix the issue that cloud computing causes anomalies in engineering result data
SimWorks Cloud Workbench
- Add marketing activity.
- Add Notification.
- Fix the issue where the user was not guided to pay when the simulation task was forcibly terminated.
v1.2.0 Release
Release Date 2024/06/07
SimWorks Finite Difference Solutions
Optimize multi-frequency function and cancel the restriction that the number of multi-frequency points is at least 5
Optimize the error message when using script to run the simulations
Fix the software crash caused by the composite viewer camera error
Optimize the auto-shutoff method to improve accuracy
Optimize FDTD time-evolution diagram and support package downloading
Add the time selection option in the Cloud storage
Add the function to delete files in historical tasks
Solve some software crash issues
Support Ribbon layout in the main interface.
Optimize the handling of the abnormal issues in the Cloud computing.
Fix the visualization errors for some data.
Add the address for a custom private cloud server
Optimize the processes of cloud computing
Add mouse cursor to display object icon to prompt the user when adding an object to the scene
Provide new script functions:
- getsourcelist
- gratingorder, gratingperiod, gratingu, gratingordercount
- farfieldas, farfieldpolar, farfield2dintegrate
- Fix the issue of inaccurate injected fields in multi-frequency sources
- Fix the calculation exception under some special cases in conformal mesh
- Fix the errors of data-saving in the time monitor of the complex FDTD
- Optimize the preview in the Index monitor
- Fix the crash caused by VPEP conformal mesh for some special structures.
- Improve the accuracy of VPEP conformal mesh and fix the issue of conformal mesh on some special positions of Yee grids
- Fix the issues that TFSF can't work well in some cases.
- Fix the source spectrum issue of the broadband pulse
- Fix the source spectrum issue in the complex-field FDTD simulation
- Enhance the accuracy of injected power of the incident oblique source
SimWorks Cloud Workbench:
- Increase the settings for Cloud storage
- Add the invoice application
- Support the international cellphone number in the account center
- Brand new payment method: calculate the task bill first and then scan the QR code to pay.
- Add payment method settings in the personal center.
- Streamline the processes of cloud computing
- Improve error code prompts
- Optimize the workbench interface
- Add WeChat payment